Monday, October 4, 2010




I honestly can say that through my life I have had moments where I give in and give up when things get tough.  I believe most people have experienced moments like this.  The lesson I have learned is to never, never, ever give up.  If it is meant for you, then it will happen.  Don't ever believe that opportunities come around once.  I have had many opportunities reappear in different packages and each package gets bigger and better.  My advice is to keep moving forward and ask your self this questions, what happens when we fall? First there is immense pain, some embrassment, then we turn over, steady ourselves on our hands and knees, one foot in front of the other and we slowly push ourselves up and rise...

Rise and Transform

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Steps To Successfully Prepare a Recipe

How many times do you begin  a new recipe and at the very end you have over-looked a step and now the recipe is altered and doesn't come out right.  Below I will list some steps to ensure your recipes will come out perfect each time you attempt to try one.

Step One:  Always read the entire recipe before mixing or combining any ingredients.  Grab a large bowl to dump in trash and apron with two hand towels.  One towel to wipe hands and the other to wipe surfaces.

Step Two:  Once you have read the recipe; get out all the dry or liquid ingredients needed.

Step Three: Gather your equipment.  For example, measuring spoons and cups, blenders, food processors, etc.

Step Four:  Measure out all  liquid or dry ingredients and place them in order as directed by recipe.

Step Five:  Next, attempt the recipe and dream of the delicious finished product.

To get you started, below is one of my favorite recipes to satisfy my sweet tooth.

Chocolate Pudding Parfait
2 ripe avocado ( make sure it gives slightly or ask produce to pick out a ripe one for you).
1/2-3/4 cup blue agave
1/4 cup raw cocao (Nativas Brand)
2 tablespoons of coconut oil (make sure you liquefy it by placing container in a bowl with warm water)
1 tablespoon of vanilla
dash of sea salt
dash of cinnamon
1 banana (slice the banana)
1 cart of strawberries (slice the strawberries)

Place everything in order in a high powered blender expect banana and strawberries, you will have to stop the blender a few times just to make sure the mixture is well blended. If it looks clumpy, stop the blender and use a spatula to move the mixture around, keep blending until is looks smooth.  Next, take a pretty wine glass or clear glass and layer the bottom with banana's, then pudding, then strawberries, then pudding.  Continue on till you reach the top with pudding.  Place two banana slices on top or strawberries for garnish.

You can also double the recipe and place the pudding in a crust for a delicious French Silk Pie. Crust is made from 2 cups of pecans mixed with 1 cup of dates.  Make sure you pit the dates.  Pull dates apart, their is a oval shape stone is the center that must be removed before blending.  Press crust in a 9 inch spring form pan.  Pour in pudding, refrigerate over night and in the morning have a healthy pie for breakfast.  Isn't raw food great.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I remember being a little girl dreaming of what I would be when I grew up.  I had dreamed of being a dancer. Every-time "IN LIVING COLOR" would come on I would dance and pretend I was one of the fly girls, dancing my way to the top.  Prior to In Living Color,  I loved to watch Solid Gold which was a variety show.  I would dream of being a solid gold dancer or taking Marilyn McCoo job as the host.  I hope you guys can remember this far back LOL!  I also remember having a interest to learn about people and what made them tick.  I would spend time laying in the drive way; interviewing my friends on my radio tape player...  As life went on, my dreams seem to fad away.  I became consumed with what society projected as success, my friends opinions, and spending time with boyfriends.  I allowed people and things to distract me from the pursuit of the dream God has placed down in my soul. 

My pastor stated last week that we gravitate toward what gives us value.  If money gives us value then we pursue money.  If food gives us value then we pursue food.  If people give us value then we pursue people, relationships etc.  I believe if we all find out who God says we are then we can gravitate towards Him because he gives us value.  He also said what gives us value can also make you go beneath yourself.  For example, women continue to stay in abusive relationships because the person fills their heads with a false-sense of value.  Knowing who we are in God gives us a true sense of value and purpose.  Once you know who you are in God, then you will have the strength to go after what has been placed in you to do.  We all have a dream that was given and we must pursue it!

My question to you is what will it take for you to live your dream?  What holds us back from pursuing our passion; over-coming our fears, and pushing past all obstacles to grab hold of our inner most desires? 

Consider your values, beliefs, and purpose.  Remember God has placed that dream in you and He has given you the desire, will and power to LIVE THE DREAM!!!

So don't be surprised if you see me on a dance show or hosting one... ;-)

Monday, April 12, 2010

LIVING FOODS LIFESTYLE: Ranch That Will Make You Dance

LIVING FOODS LIFESTYLE: Ranch That Will Make You Dance

Ranch That Will Make You Dance

1 cup of soaked raw cashews or macadamia nuts
3/4 cup water
2 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/4 tsp plus 1/8 tsp sea salt
1 tsp dried basil or 1 tbsp fresh basil
1 tsp dried dill or 1 tbsp fresh dill

Place cashews, water, lemon juice, garlic powder, onion powder, and salt in a blender and process until smooth and creamy.  Add basil and dill and pulse briefly to mix.  Stored in a sealed container in refrigerator,  Ranch Dressing will keep for 5 days.

Variation:  Add 1/2 cup chopped red bell pepper to blender along with other ingredients to make Thousand Island Dressing.